Friday, December 11, 2020

The Perfection of Wisdom in 241 Words

(A treasure found in the sky, revealed to Jigme Odsel of Santa Cruz

by the goddess Iris, on the occasion of the 41st of Confusion, YOLD 3186

All praises to Amitabha, Avalokitesvara, and Mahasthamaprapta!)

Once upon a time the Great Bodhisattva,

known in our world as Avalokitesvara,

practiced profoundly The Perfect Prajna,

so he did not worry or suffer mental trauma.

Son of Śāri listen and attend to this tutorial;

form and emptiness are not different, it's reciprocal.

Feelings to consciousness, it is substitutable.

Skandhas are empty and void of false dichotomy;

we should categorically negate them subsequently.

No feeling, no consciousness, also no impulses;

no form, no perception, it is all emptiness.

No sensoria and also no sensation;

there is no space for sensing to happen in.

There is no sense-mind and no discreet entities.

Ignorance not defeated, you have my apologies.

It was never there, nor was old age and death.

No suffering, no stopping, also no path,

no origin, no attainment, no grasp.

There is nothing to attain, depend on Perfect Prajna;

your mind will not be hindered, and no fears will come to haunt ya.

Far away mistaken views; one abides in sweet Nirvana.

In all three worlds Buddhas are on Perfect Prajna.

Subsequently you should know That Perfect Prajna

is the great transcendent all pervading mantra,
is the luminous and great bright mantra,
is the foremost and utmost mantra,
is the supreme and super powered mantra.

It relieves your suffering, and isn't false, but true.

So this is the charge that I proclaim to you:

Proclaim the six words of The Perfect Prajna,

Gate, Gate, Paragate, Parasamgate! Bodhi! Svaha!”

1 comment:

  1. You knoweth the Highway to Hell ; the Lawless do tripe - Art thou ?


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