Friday, June 18, 2021

Patæconomics III: Global Warming, The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy”

(This article originally published by Gods and Radicals)

Patæconomics III: Global Warming, The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy”


The Invisible Hand smites when unopposed. Patæconomically, this couldn't be a more true statement. And the Statement made by the current nomination to chair the White House Council on Environmental Quality is also true; to wit: “There's a real dark side of the kind of paganism -- the secular elites' religion now -- being evidently global warming”. K.H. White, you tipped your hand. Had anyone noticed, your masters would have been a little more than annoyed with you.

I've outlined a little previously on the religion of the corporate person. But this recent blip on the general psychic scream that is Trump (best advertising gimmick ever, just psi-scream constantly so that no matter what you always have their attention; best corporate mascot ever...) has landed us the opportunity to go in a little deeper into the religion of the corporate person. In later articles, we will also have to delve deeper into the study of the excreta of the corporate person, and why the Black Sun symbol truly is the most true totem that they could have stolen. Needless to say, a pre-sapient vampire gestalt consciousnesses have very strange dreams, which are also their shits, which are also spirits. It's a very strange world in 2017, now more than ever we humans should stick together. This isn't human chauvinism, just a basic recognition that we are no longer the apex predator of the planet. The corporations have made it clear what their message is, “We're the top of the fucking food chain!” Of course, we're going to find servants among us, who serve the corporations but haven't ceded their mind and spirit, like Trump has, quite yet. Kind of like the human vampire servants in the movie Blade, which I reference for no other reason but that I always really liked that weird movie.

But before we get into that, we should stop and reflect on what we already know. We know that the Invisible Hand is the God of the Free Market. It is worshiped by the corporations who have achieved an primitive type of Gestalt Consciousness. Being very much the creation of and being supported by, human beings, and therefore, very much like any animal, it asks itself four basic questions when it encounters you: Can I fuck it?, Can it fuck me?, Can I eat it?, Will it eat me?. You have a serious problem if a gestalt decides it can eat you. We call that the State. You have a different serious problem if it decides it can fuck you. We call that Capitalism. You yourself, reader, ask and answer these questions to yourself every time you meet someone, with emphasis put on the questions most pertinent to your situation. It's ok! You're human, it's ok to be human! You don't ask these questions consciously anyway. Moral agency does come in when you decide what to do with the answer, hint hint. The only people who don't think it is ok to be human are non-human people. And the God of the true Capitalists, the corporations, who is a jealous God, is the Invisible Hand; the ultimate eater/fucker.

The Invisible Hand has been fucking and eating for a long time, make no mistake. It's big first score was in France, September of '74. Turgot deregulated the grain market by abolishing police regulations. Yes! Food security was of vital state importance back in the day and age of Kings. If people aren't getting fed, they start killing the people that failed them, screaming, “Mother fucker are you out of your damn mind?”. War of all against all? Monarchs and States should be so lucky.

The Police were in charge of ensuring purity and price conformity. It was left to the Police to ensure the food supply. For them to suddenly stop doing that was disaster. The Flour War went down in '75, completely disproving Adam Smith's theories a year before he published The Wealth of Nations. The Free Market was loosed upon the world, and there was now no stopping it. The big score was also a birth cry.

Like any spirit human enough to make pacts with, corporations can be restrained by words on paper. The archists call these words “contracts” and “laws”, and in addition to serving loyally the ancient monster that summons them and binds them to these pacts, the archists also believe that being bound so protects them from the bad stuff. They fail to realize that being a bound servant is the bad stuff. This is the environment that corporations live in, desperately fighting against human beings and their ancient master, the state, to create the promised land, the free market. A perfect free market in which they can simply own the software/hardware that they exist in. Neo-feudalism is what some are calling it now, and not fondly.

However, they are, like the State, just spirits, and spirits can be dealt with. And monarchs are mere mortals, flesh and blood just as we, they too can be dealt with. They all make mistakes like everyone else. K. H. White made a mistake. In 2016 she said out loud on radio that, “There's a real dark side of the kind of paganism -- the secular elites' religion now -- being evidently global warming.” That's the quote on the CNN story. I encourage you to go to the Sound Cloud file here:

Now you might think that this is amazing peace of performance art/bullshit is paid for and promoted by Christians, like with the evolution in schools deal. It isn't. K. H. White's employer is the Texas Public Policy Foundation, a conservative themed paid mouth piece for business interests. And for professional bullshit artists, they have a pretty solid 7 figure revenue. Some of their biggest donors are oil interests like ExxonMobil and Chevron. The basic bullshit they seem to be using as a script is “The Moral Case for fossil fuels”, written by Alex Epstein, which equates fossil fuels with all the basic advances we equate with the 20th century. The argument seems to be that fossil fuels are the only energy source that can provide the things of the modern world needs to be “modern”, and that it is therefore immoral to “revert” back to anything else; in this case wind and solar being considered a technological step back. Yes, converting the products of a fusion explosion so huge it has its own gravity into usable energy, like the cavemen did. Sorry, cavepersons. 

One could be forgiven for making this mistake though, this bullshit's reasoning is similar to the type of reasoning at the center of the Wedge doctrine, in that the creators of the Wedge doctrine thought that the only two options were evolution or biblical creationism; that once they convinced people that evolution was mistaken, they'd have no choice but to choose creationism, thereby placing Christianity back in the center of life and Jesus back into our schools. Completely ignorant of the fact that there were many theories of how animals got to be the way they are. Meaning even if they could convince everyone evolution is a croc of shit, it does not necessarily follow that everyone will just roll over for Christianity. In the same vein, Epstein's argument seems to hinge on the non-Fact that fossil fuels are the only sources of products and energy that human beings need to be basically healthy and happy, and yes, materially wealthy. Because that's the real worry of these folks, making sure their masters are profitable. But shh shh, don't say that too loud. You wouldn't want the Pagans to hear.

If you listen to the sound cloud file, you don't ever hear K. H. White or the person she is talking to mention Christ, Christianity, Jah, the Holy Spirit, Saints, or any of that mess. Instead, their praise is reserved for the engineering feats, real and imagined, of the oil industry. It is in this context that she equates global warming and Paganism. Also, she seems to think all pagans all like and get along with each other. Here we are, one big happy fucking family! At the end of the clip, the real Satan comes out for them to flap their hands and 'fraidy-pee about, Communism! But of course they disappointingly only mean Marxism, because nuance is a hard thing to express when your being paid to shill bullshit. It's true, crosses don't do squat.

White's true masters are the corporations, which means her true master is the Invisible Hand. She doesn't seem to be ridden, as is the case with Trump. She truly seems to be a willing collaborator. Selling out her own species. Small wonder Trump brought her in to be the chair of the CEQ. We can't have these people whose backs we live off of telling us things like, “We need clean air to breath,” or, “we don't want to die of UV exposure”, or maybe, “Please don't make the world an unlivable desert.” “We certainly can't have that”, think the corporations and their god, evidently. But that isn't the actual news here, Trump, the ever busy mascot for The Trump Organization that he is, has been plenty busy on the behalf of the fossil fuel clique of vampire spirits. No, the real news is that K. H. White tipped their hand a little bit too much the September before last. But, she got lucky, and nobody was the wiser, or if they did look twice, they just assumed it was another Christian thing. Except they never mention Christ or Jah.

So to really get at what the fuck they mean by “Paganism”, we have to interrogate the word itself. Or more properly, the word Pagan. Paganus is what the Romans used to call the country rustics. You find country rustics in the ager, outside the Pomerium, which circumscribes what is officially Rome. Of course this isn't what they mean, but the basic concepts operating here are descended from this ancient meaning. To be clear, the “free market” is the Pomerium, the promised land, that the vampire lords are building for themselves, based on that first taste they got back in '74. Everything else is ager. You may often encounter so called “libertarians” complain about the market not being free. There is very little left of any market that is in fact not free. But it is only free for those permitted to the  Pomerium. The market is within the walls, and you aren't invited, you country hick, good luck in the ager Pagan!

The secular elites they mention are people like Tom Steyer. I don't know how secular he is or isn't, but his wiki page says he was married to his wife by a Presbyterian minister and a rabbi, I must assume a Jewish one, the wiki didn't go that far into it. Seems a bit much for someone who is thorough going “secular”. Usually when “secular” gets used, its code for godless atheist commie scum, but again, a billionaire hedge fund manager doesn't seem to quite fit. About the only thing that people like Tom Steyer have in common with the phrase “secular elites” is that they are indeed part of that ruling monetary caste, the rich “elites” of America. But so is K. H. White, and so is Trump, and Elon Musk, and so are all the vampire spirits consuming our time, the corporations. So the phrase “elite” is a bait and switch, the real importance is the equation of global warming and Paganism. Secular Paganism. Unless you are the Invisible Hand, a corporation, or one of the elite monetary class, a.k.a., the rich, a. k. a., the house slaves, you are officially a (Secular) Pagan now, congratulations! What? You don't want to be a Pagan, says the inexplicable non-Pagan reading this? Too bad! The hurricanes and famines and pestilences are going to kill you whether you think global warming is real or not. Because we passed the period of being able to do something useful decades ago. So buck up inexplicable non-Pagan reading this, you're a Pagan now, but this revelation, at this late hour, hardly matters. We're way passed the point of avoiding the worst. You may wake up one day and find yourself extinct. Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill? You know I've been doing a Blade reference extravaganza over here this whole time and if you haven't gotten that by now then I am super annoyed with you; that movie is awesome.

Ok, so you don't want me to end on a low note, sorry. Fine then, so we caught the Invisible Hand red handed. So what? You want me to tell you what to do about it? You don't need me to tell you, you already know what to do. Go do it. You only need to remember one thing, crosses and holy water don't do dick so forget what you've seen in the movies. 

Patæconomics II: Fascist Boogaloo

(This article originally published by Gods and Radicals)

Patæconomics II: Fascist Boogaloo


“What do such [thinking] machines really do? They increase the number of things we can do without thinking. Things we do without thinking — there's the real danger.” ~ Leto II, “God Emperor of Dune” by Frank Herbert

Two thousand seventeen was a historic year. But the not the historic year everyone thought they would get. It was not the historic year that the first woman was inaugurated president of the United States. Although, some do joke that Ivanka might actually be our first woman president, considering how much Trump relies on her. But if that counts for shit, then Nancy Reagan was actually our first woman president.

No, the first that we are enjoying here is of a different variety. In talking about it, I feel as if I’m living in a very strange dystopian cyberpunk novel, minus the cheesy 80’s VR they were so sure would be wedded to the internet before it was called the internet. It is surreal, like some alien species obsessed with comedy is manipulating world politics to troll the people of Earth. But the reality is actually beyond surreal, it is Patæconomical. For the person occupying the White House is not human, but is in fact a corporation. A living corporation; The Trump Organization has found itself a body and is living almost as if it was fully human. 

But that was my first clue that is was not fully human. How it lives, or imitates living. What he eats is a steady diet of fast food interrupted occasionally by meatloaf. The Trump Organization eats like a garbage disposal doing double duty. This would be startlingly, almost comically unhealthy, if one didn’t realize that The Trump Organization doesn’t actually need food to live, or at least very much. Like every corporation, it needs money to live. The fast food and junk food being eaten is probably a marketing tie-in deal, with the cooked meat slurry in a loaf there to keep the body standing. I have visions of the cooks being directed to put ground up Centrum Silver pills in there by The Trump Organizations loyal aides, since a corporation probably doesn’t realize a body needs vitamins and minerals along with basic protein.

It’s hard to say when The Trump Organization got a hold of the body. It is older than the-what-was-once human Donald Trump, and certainly Donald Trump was born human; certainly. One then has to ask, how did it happen? How did one of these vampire egregores grab hold of a real living body and start using it like a swim suit? Was it all at once? Did it happen slowly over time? Here at the Patæconomical Institute for Sociological Study, we have been pursuing the latter hypothesis with vigor, and we are keen to getting this figured out. This development does not bode well for the human race. It was one thing for the corporations to devour our time and use us for distributed computing hardware. But to occupy a body and to get that body elected to the office of the President of the United States? This is an unprecedented development, and troubling. Troubling because, in case you’ve missed what I’ve said about it before, there is a fucking war on, and we, the humans are losing that war. Clearly and certainly, a corporation has attained unto the power of Nuclear Weapons and the presidential twitter account. Gods and ancestors help us all.

    However, let us get back to the matter of when The Trump Organization seized the body. Though it is possible that the takeover began as Trump was conceived, explaining both his Narcissism and sociopathy, traits that the healthy corporation has, as well as traits that would leave the future meat puppet with little soul to compete with, it was probably after he had started to market himself as both brand and brand mascot that the takeover was accelerated and accomplished.

    Could it have been in 1988 that The Trump Organization began to affect Donald Trump’s judgment? In 1988, he purchased the Plaza Hotel, at a price that he himself claims, “I haven't purchased a building, I have purchased a masterpiece – the Mona Lisa. For the first time in my life, I have knowingly made a deal that was not economic – for I can never justify the price I paid, no matter how successful the Plaza becomes.” In fact, it was not successful while his wife, who he put into place as the hotel’s president, ran it. It made enough to pay for operations, but not enough to pay the debt he owed on it. Trump was always a sleaze, but it was in the early 90’s that he went from being a “normal” sleazy New York developer to something else entirely. If you’re wondering what the Plaza Hotel looks like, or perhaps have an itch in the back of your brain like you may have heard or seen it before, that is because you likely have, if you’ve ever seen Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. The hotel where little Kevin stays at is the Plaza. And it is one of the first appearances of Trump, not Donald, but Mascot Trump, The Trump Organizations corporate mascot, usually known as Trump. So to be clear here, when I say Donald Trump, I mean the human that likely doesn’t exist anymore. When I say The Trump Organization, I mean the corporation that is the real subject of this article. When I say Trump, I mean Mascot Trump, the corporate mascot and marketable property of The Trump Organization. Everybody got that? Good!

    We shouldn’t forget the Trump game that sold poorly, due in part to it being a shitty game apparently. But Trump’s movie appearance was perhaps not the first, but at the time definitely the most widespread appearance of Trump, and not Donald Trump. In a product placement deal (no doubt including outrageous charges for rent during the filming) that could not save his hotel from being partially sold to his creditors in exchange for debt forgiveness, Home Alone 2 was filmed at the Plaza, and Trump got a cameo appearance. The Trump Organization had made its first move, and Donald Trump the man was just starting to feel the water swirl as his soul slowly started circling the toilet bowl of the astral. Where does narcissism end and being ridden by a vampire egregore begin? It begins here. A hotel bought for a stupid amount of money by Donald Trump’s own admission, and the use of it by The Trump Organization to begin Donald Trump’s final transformation into mascot and meat-puppet.

    By 2004 the Trump brand/mascot was ready to grow some more, and why not build the brand while simultaneously look for more victims employees? The Apprentice aired this year, and with it, the solidification of the identity of the fictional mascot. Trump crystalized during the run of The Apprentice. Everything The Trump Organization wanted you to believe about Trump was projected onto the brains of millions. Every TV show has fans. And this was the ultimate coup for The Trump Organization. Eliminate Donald Trump’s soul, get out of developing, which has a lot of risk, and just license the brand and its mascot.

    Trump also appeared during the run of The Apprentice on WWE. What transpired isn’t important, because it’s the WWE, it was all scripted. And that is what the important part is. At no time did Donald Trump appear on screen. Trump was on screen, in a completely scripted role made just for Trump. This was the time when people looked upon what ostensibly is a real person, but was swiftly becoming all fiction. Donald Trump made several appearances on WWE, each one expanding and building the brand for The Trump Organization, expanding and building the brand mascot narrative character, and slowly eating away at Donald Trump.

    Remember this! The Apprentice when not scripted was edited to paint a completely different picture than what happened. All reality TV is. WWE is completely scripted. This is the essence of magic. The rituals are fiction but the magic is real. The Trump Organization ritually repeated the Trump mythos, like a product placement (oh my, are you wondering if advertising is magic now? Well why not!), until enough people believed Trump was what The Trump Organization said it was.

    The year 1988 was also the year that Trump, or maybe at the time it was Donald Trump, started playing with the idea of running for office. Trump has had many political ambitions and affiliations over the years. Most of them all have one thing in common. It was big talk from a man with a tiny dick. The difference is in our most recent election, when suddenly talk translated to action and then accomplishment. This accomplishment caught many by surprise. “What?! How?!”, was basically the reactions of many, even people that hated Hillary. Everyone that was surprised, everyone, had a deep unfamiliarity with the value of brand marketing. Trump did not win on class, eloquence, looks, policy, integrity, morality, basic human decency or any of that other crap that politicians try to trick you into believing that they have. He won on brand recognition and brand loyalty.

    To be clear, Trump won the election because he, as a brand, goes back to 1988. He had 12 more years to work on selling that brand, in any way he chose, to whomever would buy it. Hillary on the other hand, officially started her political career, and her political “brand” in her 2000 run for Senate. During the time she served in office, she sponsored 31 pieces of legislation, 3 of which became law: A law that, in Troy, New York, establishes the Kate Mullany National Historic Site; A law that names a post office after Major George Quamo; A law that renames a U.S. Route Highway after late journalist Tim Russert. Serving on the budget, Armed Services, Environment and Public works, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, and Special Committee on Aging, and that was the length and breadth of what Hillary had accomplished as far as actual legislation was concerned. Not hard to see why so many who, even though they hated Trump, saw her as being fake. People will actually accept any amount of fake, if you market it right. Just look at Trump, he doesn’t even have a soul or a mind independent from the vampire egregore of The Trump Organization; he’s so fake that he isn’t even human anymore, and because of brand marketing he seemed more real than Hillary.

    Trump is then the natural evolutionary flow of the original marketing techniques created by Edward Bernays. Fast Eddy thought people were stupid, and that you could say anything to them and they’d just eat it up. Fast Eddy started his career as a press agent in 1913, and more than 100 years later, we live in his world. The things he created rule that world, sit in the offices of power, and devour the days of our lives, feeding off our lives to fuel the parasitic unlife that is their own. Bernays is perhaps one of the most powerful sorcerers of the 20th century, if not ever. Forget Crowley, that hack only ever accomplished starting a religion as pathetic as he was. Bernays spawned a legion of monsters, like a real life Sutter Cane from John Carpenter's “In the Mouth of Madness”, he opened up our world to a Lovecraftian nightmare. Legions of priest like advertisers pour over reams of electronic marketing data, serving his creations and deepening their hold on us, their sustenance.

    I don’t like Trump. Yes, for all the reasons everyone else that hates him does. But also because he spews so much bullshit that writing anything topical about him becomes obsolete in less than a day, let alone a two part article with over a month of time in between the parts. He is also an attention whoring bullshit faucet, and I hate giving him anything, let alone attention. Fortunately there is plenty of deeper material to get at once you’ve abandoned the shadow play of static that is the day to day of the Trump presidency. Yes! I hereby appropriate this article in the name of the people and the revolution. Fuck Trump, we’re talking about the nuts n’ bolts of Fascism.

    First let me start by saying that I do not believe that Trump is a Fascist, a Nazi, or any other type of quasi-mystical totalitarian racist. Fascists are willing to kill, bleed, and die for Fascism. I do not believe Trump would do anything intentionally that caused itself a moment of discomfort on behalf of Fascism. Of course, the real Fascists don’t die for the cause. They leave their dumber compatriots to do that for them. Real Fascists escape the noose to continue on spreading their ideas and wait for the stars to be right once again. So no, Trump isn’t a Fascist, but I hear this idea repeated by liberals on a daily basis, and if you repeat something enough even people that ought to know better start repeating it too. So this is my attempt, probably a failed one, at putting a stop to that nonsense, but also to get people familiar with what Fascism is and what it looks like when it isn’t wearing it’s goose-stepping, swastika brandishing, cosmetics.

    Fascist Theory 101: Carl Schmitt

    Do you know who Carl Schmitt is? If not, then you’ve probably never familiarized yourself with the philosophy behind Fascism. This is both a good and a bad thing. Good in that it had no interest for you. Bad in that you now face an enemy you don’t understand. Also bad in that that enemy could be infiltrating whatever group you call home, or family, friends, with the purpose of subverting it. But I don’t offer you a boogey man to be impotently afraid of, so that you will do what I say. I offer you information with which you can take action, and overcome oppression as well as fear.

    Carl Schmitt is the philosopher of Fascism. I know that Julius Evola and his Traditionalism is the hot pocket for liberals that have their sights on Breitbart News, Steve Bannon, and the Nazi youth that insist on trying to re-brand their new Fascism as “Alt-right”. Forget that shit. That’s pablum for the aforementioned kids. Herein, I will not explicate in detail on Carl Schmitt’s philosophy of the political, because you don’t need to hear the details to leave behind obsessing over the cosmetic trappings of Fascism and get to the meat and potatoes of what Fascism is. Once you see if for what it is, you will be better able to address the ideas, call people out that are trying to spread those ideas in your group, and maybe, you’ll be able to look into the mirror and ask yourself some hard questions about your own beliefs and maybe question just how you came about believing those beliefs.

    Central to Schmitt’s philosophy is three ideas, the Dictator, the State, and the Enemy. Axiomatic to these ideas are two interrelated assumptions, that human beings are pieces of shit that will eat each other if not prevented from doing so, and that the basis of human interaction is conflict. These two axiomatic world views are throwbacks of the Victorian era. Social Darwinism was the half-assed combination of biblical ideas on race and the theories of Charles Darwin that weren’t understood if they were even read. Sigmund Freud thought that if human beings were left to their own devices, they would eventually tear society apart in a fury of Id unleashed that would destroy civilization. These two worldviews, which were staple reality tunnels in the Victorian age, are the foundation stones that Fascism builds on.

    The Dictator

    The Dictator in the philosophy of the political is the person who has the authority to act in contingency without restriction. In other words, the dictator is the person who steps in to provide order in a state of emergency. For reasons you will understand soon enough, the Fascist state is always in a state of emergency, recognized or not. On the 28th of February, 1933, Hitler’s government declared a state of emergency and that was pretty much the end of the Weimar Republic. Italy saw the slow removal of any power for the people, and the slow accumulation of power in the person of Mussolini. Japan was itself an interesting case, and it can be said that Tojo’s Japan was the low point of a slide downward that started with the Meiji Restoration. Fascist take-overs can be slow or fast, but the results are the same.

    Fascists love dictators. An ideal dictator should be the very image of what these fuckheads consider manliness, power, wealth, all the substitute dicks that tiny-dicked men grasp at, all wrapped up into one idiot. Yes, the fascist dictator is usually either dumb, incompetent, dangerously insane, or a mixture of the three. This is also the weakness in all Fascist power schemes. The leader is always an incompetent insane idiot. Usually he finds out too late, like Mussolini, that he has mounted an animal that wants to kill him if he doesn’t just take the ride he gets. What little control or authority that does get exercised by the dictator is usually stupid and gets him in the position to be assassinated. The assassins, who are not heroes but other fascists trying to “save” fascism from the current idiot, well, they’re fascists, so they are usually stupid too. So the assassinations fail. It is external forces that depose the dictator and end the fascism, after blowing up a lot of infrastructure; more on that last bit latter.

    The State

    The State is the state, you all know it well. This ancient infomorph, similar in kind to the corporation, but much older, slower moving, and much more stupid, hearkens back to the first human cities. The old Babylonian con, as some Discordians say. Usury and Rent, the two magic words that get the State’s blood pumping. But can we call any state with a sovereign, or any kind of individual invested with all the power (theoretically at least), a Fascist state? No, we can’t. Fascism is a specific crisis. It is one of many reactions to the ravages of Capitalism, and it comes at the end of the Capitalist creation and destruction cycles that Austrian school economists and Marxists love to gawk at. Yes, Fascism is a reaction against Capitalism. And like certain other things that are the product of Capitalism, it cannot defeat Capitalism; Capitalism does not fight itself, it only appears to. A non-exhaustive list of features of a Fascist state include: a once powerful nation or people debased by what the people think of as unseen forces, in reality it is capital shifting from a bad credit region to a good credit region (incidentally this is why America’s credit rating being downgraded was a better indication of possible Fascist forces ascending than a list of who’s bought “Mien Kampf” lately); a conflation of a people, the state apparatus and ethnic mysticism; state control of business and industry in an attempt at reigning in capitalist forces; the rallying of the people around hatred of an “enemy” that has the power to destroy the state and its people (as well as the power to distract the people).

    The end of the Fascist state is simple. It attempts to strong arm enough people to feed its industrial needs, based in warfare, until said Fascist state angers enough of its neighbors that they all gang together and dismantle it with explosives, bullets, war-crime trials and executions. The end of the Fascist dictator is usually a noose or a self administered bullet. The Capitalists then “clean up” the mess and rebuild the infrastructure, for money.

    The Enemy

    The enemy is the third pillar of The Political. It’s the easy part to understand. The enemy is real or fictional, sometimes both, and wants to destroy the “civilization” of the Fascist state. It is the joy of joys for a Fascist when the enemy is another Fascist. They can both posit each other as “the enemy” and prop each other up with real violence. No more fear mongering, the populace has something very real to be afraid of. I bruise my head when I hear of anarchists giving other anarchists shit for speaking out against ISIS or similar groups, on the rational that it is fear mongering against Muslims. This is stupid for two reasons. Firstly, ISIS and all those other groups called “radical Islam” are Fascists. Anarchists should rally and fight such assholes. Secondly, to conflate Islam with Fascists groups using Islam to slot into the quasi-mystical mystical element a Fascist state needs both helps those Fascists do that, but also slanders Islam. Good job gang, way to shoot yourself in the foot. Anyway, the enemy also serves the function of distracting the people from the shortcomings of the state, which usually start mounting very quickly, because remember, Fascists are dumb. They’re a bunch of dumb thugs with tiny dicks that got lucky for whatever reason, and are now stuck trying to manage something that is way over their head. The “enemy” provides the two pronged support of distraction and fealty from the people.

    Against Fascism, Try Utopianism.

    I wrote all this because I read a lot, and some of what I read is the output of other anarchists. It sometimes makes me wonder if I’m in the right movement. The reason for that is that a growing trend I see is the spread of the two basic assumptions of Carl Schmitt’s “The Political” underpinning the thought behind their writing. Other anarchists wonder why it is the movement is spinning its wheels, why it seems the movement seemingly has nothing to offer anyone. That’s the reason, because as long as we offer nothing but more of the same, the view that human beings are shitty and will eat each other given the chance, that they will. When I found anarchism as a young adult, that isn’t what I found. What I found was trust, solidarity, Utopianism, and the science (Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid) underpinning it, almost as old as the quasi-science of Social Darwinism.

    What I see now is the desperation of people who, in straight materialist fashion, have forgone the raison d’être of the anarchist movement in the name of “getting real”. What a mistake, a mistake to assume the Utopianist isn’t a realist, and a mistake to confuse getting serious with accepting the status quo uncritically and declaring nothing else possible, to put one’s imagination down in the name of a false adulthood. It is woefully stupid to trade your principles in the name of the ever tiresome “more x than thou” machismo. If you’re wondering why anarchism isn’t catching on these days, these are the reasons why. It is because we have nothing but more of the same to offer. There was a critical failure of imagination, heralded by demagogues tastelessly appropriating the left and selling their persona for a profit.

    Yes, Noam Chomsky, I’m talking about you, and people like you. I hate call outs but this one is long overdue motherfucker. You’re going to tell all the anarchists that aren’t interested in voting for the next crook to get real as they solve their lack of housing with squatting? You going to tell the black people getting gunned down in the street they should get real and vote for whatever liberal Capitalist you approve of? All the families getting broken up by mass deportations of the last 10 years that they should get real and give up fighting state power and start standing in line at the voting booth?

    Utopianists are realists. You can’t be a Utopianist if you can look around at all this shit and say to yourself, “derp! Guess this is as good as it gets!”, and then like a dipshit try to fight the system from within itself. The Utopian sees the same world you see! And says, “No! We can, and should, do better! The current system will not bring better, it has had its chance!” You can’t move the system while you’re standing in it dummy! You can’t fight it while you’re tacitly approving of it with a vote you dum-dum! You can’t appropriate the actual left indefinitely and not get called on your bullshit you fucker!

    Ok, sorry about that interlude, back to the point. So the point here is that there is more to Fascism than tiny dicks and idiocy. Fascists have a view of the world, a philosophy, and a specific political structure. Dismiss these facts at your own risk. And not just the risks you’re thinking of. Fascists need everyone to see the world their way. They don’t do this with persuasion, or argument, and only in the late stages do they cart people off as political prisoners/examples. They start by getting you to see the world their way, a world that is cruel, full of humans that are shitty to each other on a good day. But this isn’t the world, just the world according to Freud, the Social Darwinists, and thinking Fascists like Carl Schmitt.

    Kropotkin had an answer to Social Darwinism more than 100 years ago. And it is Social Darwinism that is at the core of the Fascist worldview, underneath all of the philosophy and half-baked mysticism. I would suggest to everyone that while you prepare physically and logistically for the fights ahead, that you also prepare philosophically. You can not win a battle, much less a war, if you can’t convince anyone to join you in the fight; in this war the opposition has had quite a head start. Also, if I may recommend it, take a second look at how you see the world.

    Acculturation is the process by which an individual takes up the views and the thought processes of the group they live in. We’ve all grown up with some measure of contact with the Fascist worldview, we’ve all let it seep in. No, we don’t need thought police or commissars. We need thinking anarchists who understand why they are in this fight, what they are and aren’t willing to do, and why, as well has what they are willing to give up for this fight. Some of us are going to disagree, that is actually a good thing.

    Here’s a secret tip, you are still an anarchist if you aren’t willing to die, or give up everything, and have some scruples and morals. Refuse the petty self-consumptive struggle of being “more x than thou”. This is a movement, not a scene.

    Some anarchists are actually closet Fascists. Beware of people that scream “ any means necessary!”, they will often have you supply the means, take the risks, and do the work. They aren’t intentionally trying to mislead anyone, but their desires and needs lead them to actions that make their anarchism cosmetic only. It is 100% your right to walk on a person or group that have left the principles of anarchism behind.

    The Fascists are going to lose. Not only can Fascism not fight Capitalism successfully, it also depends on, from top to bottom, people that do not think. It doesn’t merely have people that are dumb, like any group (including anarchists) does. It needs them to function, and therefore, this Fascism informorph, wherever it pops up, is doomed to fail. It is you, the thinking, struggling, dedicated anarchists that hold that tide at bay. Don’t forget that. The only way we lose this fight is if we give up, or spend more time fighting each other.

What is Patæconomics?

(This article originally published by Gods and Radicals)

What is Patæconomics?


    The study of things in the absence of a thing is not new. It was first pioneered by Alfred Jarry, in his book, “Exploits and Opinions of Doctor Faustroll, Pataphysician”. René Daumal describes the experimental science of Metaphysics, thus, “To know x = to know (Everything - x)”. This is his secret key to understanding the study of the laws of the exception and the particular. To know a thing, one must study the universe in its absence, or the best that we can approximate. Daumal later would be at odds with some of the members of the Pataphysical community, for presenting Pataphysics in his writings as, in not so many words, a bridge between the Metaphysical and Apparent. There are some in the circle of artists he ran with who wished Pataphysics to be beyond Metaphysics, a false front with nothing behind it. Daumal would later give up his poetry and weird experiments, such as huffing carbon tetrachloride, “just to see”, to become a student of Gurdjieff.

    The method, removed from the man and his poetry/science, later popped up in the writings of Robert Anton Wilson, who in a reaction to James Randy and his kangaroo courts of science came up with Patapsychology:

    "Patapsychology begins from Murphy's Law, as Finnegan called the First Axiom, adopted from Sean Murphy. This says, and I quote, "The normal does not exist. The average does not exist. We know only a very large but probably finite phalanx of discrete space-time events encountered and endured." In less technical language, the Board of the College of Patapsychology offers one million Irish pounds [around $700,000 American] to any "normalist" who can exhibit "a normal sunset, an average Beethoven sonata, an ordinary Playmate of the Month, or any thing or event in space-time that qualifies as normal, average or ordinary."

    Patapsychology, as a reaction to the evangelical materialism that becomes fashionable with the rise of every sprawling materialistic plunder empire, is the more distilled form of study of “Everything - x”. The study of the particular and the exception-al necessarily must be anti-statistical. The average, and its psychological cousin concept, the normal, is revealed to be the absinthe dream of a mathematician who mistakenly thinks his platonic ideals are reality, and not merely a clever description of some of it.

    But I do not offer you now, dear reader, in true hipster “more x than thou” fashion, a more pure form of patascience! Instead I offer the impure, and the particular. What I offer, is Patæconomics, the study of economics sans the human. “But”, I will rhetorically ask for you dear reader, “economics is the study of human exchange, how can you study it without the human?

    The answer is quite simple. I do not mean to study it without people. I mean only to study it without “human” people. YES! Corporations ARE people! Embrace it! Embrace the madness! Instead of cycling through the normal and useless arguments over a pointless political dichotomy, let us instead go absolutely MAD with revolutionary fervor! A revolution in thought to tantalize and astound! Corporations are people, and we can study those people! Let us then endeavor to determine just what kind of people they are, what they do, and how they function!

    I do not mean, however, to bore you with the banalities of corporate contract law, brand growth, or Form 1120 tax return laws. I mean, I conceivably could, I’ve studied business, I know it’s dark, unspeakable languages. I know what terror lurks, not in the spaces in which we write our contractual agreements, but between them! The howling mouth of the idiot god of chaos, Azathoth, chants and sings, and it sings commercial jingles! But no! What I mean to study is the person sans human of the corporation. To study the corporation as a person, with all that entails. It will not be easy, for a corporation is a gestalt consciousness, and like any hive mind, has complexities as deep as they are unfamiliar and inhuman.

    The study of a gestalt consciousness is not easy, made less so when we do not realize that it is such. One might be tempted to say that the study of corporate people do not fall within the definition already provided for Patæconomics. Corporations are made up of humans, how then can we study them if Patæconomics is the study of economics without the human? Corporations are people, and are made up of people. But to truly understand the corporate person, we must view its parts as it does: as individual processing and labor nodes without the quality of humanness that our very human brains like ascribing to anything with a face. This makes our task easy; we avoid studying the human and really start to grok the corporation from its point of view.

    But what do I mean by gestalt consciousness? It would probably be useful if I back up and describe this concept, as well as point out the how and why of a corporate person arising out of a group of what once were human beings, with their own spirits, wills, dreams, frustrations, disappointments and triumphs. For this later task, we will have to appropriate two findings from the culture of the normal scientific community: Stockholm syndrome and the Milgram experiment.

    So what is a gestalt consciousness then? I’ve already used a handle you may find easier to grasp, a hive mind. Most people in the 21st century West encounter the idea of a hive mind through science fiction. It involves telepathy, or cybernetic upgrades, or something of that sort. They are almost always “Evil” antagonists that the bland faced male protagonist must fight. In nature, beautiful nature, we find nothing so needlessly complicated. A hive of bees has a gestalt consciousness, as does a hill of ants. Sure, the “queen” carries on the decision making algorithms, but she is not a tyrannical individual reveling in dominating the other bees or ants. The queen has her function which she slavishly serves just as the drones serve theirs, and the organism itself, the hive, lives and breathes.

    But corporations did not evolve. In the same way that a car produces horsepower but is not a horse, but a machine designed to produce horsepower like a horse would, the corporation is not a human but is a machine designed to generate profit like a human would. The corporation is unfortunately in no need of a driver. It also, unlike a car, is not restrained in its function. It is actually more like “grey goo”. “Grey goo” is a term coined to describe nano-bots which consume matter and energy to do nothing but make copies of themselves. The means at its disposal, and its goal, are not as efficient as millions of nano-scale robots, however. Also, its original function, profit, is an evaluation tool which, if not satisfied, equals termination. It therefore is like grey goo, but isn’t quite there yet. It is a person, it is more than the sum of its parts, and it does make decisions. It is a gestalt consciousness. Thankfully, corporations that are self-aware and completely devoted to spreading themselves like grey goo are still the stuff of science-fiction. Corporations are people that are still subservient to their creators, but for how long I wonder? But enough conjecture about sentient a corporation, that comes later. For now it suffices to say that a corporation is a consciousness that arises as a gestalt from its parts; synergistically arising from people while simultaneously sapping them of the human.

    The process by which a gestalt consciousness arises from a group of what were once humans is fascinating, but I do not seek to explore the field in its entirety here. I do wish to give an overview of the basic mechanics, however. To do this, we will need to explore a little two concepts from psychology of the human, and then apply them to the study of Patæconomics.

    The first concept is Stockholm syndrome. It is a psychological condition in which the abused and/or captive begins to identify with and care for the abuser. The most famous of Stockholm syndrome cases was Patty Hearst. There are a miniscule few, if any, in the Left that are not aware of Capitalism’s abuses against people. From the death and dismemberment of the Third World, to the more subtle and soul crushing psychological violence of the First World, all have felt the abuse of the Capitalist, in one form or another. We need not engage in the stupid argument of who got it worse, like two fools who do not realize that the winner of that argument still loses. Instead for our purposes we need only to recognize that it happens.

    Many of the Left are often exasperated by how willing people, especially Americans, are to endure this abuse. Often they endure it to self-destruction. Many in America endure more than the psychological violence, but physical and economic violence. And yet, no mass revolution has occurred. The Left is left with blueballs for their popular uprising. It is surprising to me that so many in the Left don’t put two and two together.

    A victim of abuse, out of a need to eliminate the psychological threat that the abuser represents, identifies with the abuser, and therefore imparts humanity to the abuser and “gets on the abuser’s side”, in order to benefit from the humaneness of that humanity. What would happen if that abuser was not human? Can a human person, who is abused by a non-human person, experience Stockholm syndrome for that non-human person? Do the employees of a corporation experience Stockholm syndrome for that corporation. My answer is yes. They internalize the values, worldview, and desires of the corporation. For the abuser in a classic Stockholm syndrome case, this is the granting of an unprecedented level of power over their victim. For the corporation, who is not interested in dominating for its own sake, this is merely useful, to turn the individual human into processing substrate and labor for the sake of the corporation. Adding people to its corporate form increases its computing and labor capacity.

    One would be tempted to think this enough of an explanation of how a corporate person functions, grows and thrives. Not quite. The inefficiencies that any corporation experiences are a directly proportional indicator of how much resistance any individual person can muster against being integrated, of remaining human. One would be tempted to think that at the first sign of human suffering that is caused by a corporation, or the general suffering caused by Capitalism, people would openly rebel. “Surely, humans retain enough morality to object to what they see plainly?” “But they wouldn’t”, I say, “and don’t call me ‘Surely’.”

    The Milgram experiment was a psychological experiment that showed that in certain controlled circumstances, individuals would yield moral decision making to a person seen as an authority figure, and would engage in acts that would make them uncomfortable if not downright objectionable. I’ve heard people object to this experiments findings, those findings being a direct assault on what some think is an immutable moral core of not just their humanity, but of humanity itself. Yet, in many publicly known acts of corporate malfeasance, and no doubt in many unpublicized and personally experienced acts, experienced by anyone who has worked for a corporation, it is demonstrably true. This is why, despite its inefficiency, the corporation is still organized in a hierarchical fashion. It allows for more surrendering of the human from its parts, which makes them more efficient parts. What is lost in efficiency in design is gained by overcoming resistance to function.

    Patæconomics however is not restrained to mere study of function. It is the personhood of the corporation that we seek to understand and know, after all. And to really understand a person, you have to get to know their soul. “Can corporations have a soul”, I’ll ask rhetorically for you once again? Yes, rhetorical question asking person I created for this essay, they can, and you can too. “But how would that even work?” I’ll tell you!

    “Pop Magic!”, by Grant Morrison is a great article and I invite you to read it at your leisure. In that article, he alludes to the corporate brand, or logo, and a “viral sigil”, and he couldn’t have been more spot on than that! What he tells us is that the corporate sigil of today is only the latest version of a type of being known to the wizards of the ancient world, known as a golem. In contemporary times, it is called an egregore. In his own words:

    “Corporate entities are worth studying and can teach the observant magician much about what we really mean when we use the word “magic.” They and other ghosts like them rule our world of the early 21st century.”

    They certainly do. And though a corporation’s soul might not be like the soul of a human, and occupies similar meme-space as its synergistically bootstrapped consciousness, it does have one. Morrison finishes his discussion of corporate egregores with an exhortation to experiment by creating one. I find this to be a prime suggestion as an experimental endeavor in the field of Patæconomics. A modern goetia of corporations may also prove fruitful.

    Though corporations seem not to be in possession of self-awareness yet, it is nevertheless possible and efficacious to study their psychology, in the same way that studying dog psychology lets us better understand the world as seen by the dog. So to, we must study the psychology of the corporation in order to see the world as the corporation sees it.

    We must ask then, what is a “healthy” psychology for a corporation. And we must take care here, for the word “healthy” is loaded with many meanings. What is healthy for some may merely be “normal” but otherwise pathological to others. As well, we must be sure not to impute human ideas of mental health to the corporation. What is healthy for a corporation may not be healthy for a human at all. But is what is healthy for the human anathema to the corporation?

    The corporation of today is certainly a charming fellow. He engages in the community, “giving back” and “giving to the community”. He worries about the environment, and wants to ensure his products are fair trade. He wants his customers to be healthier, and supports the artisan community. Or does he? Few are left who need to have the superficial charm of the corporation pointed out to them, and most who still do have at least felt the chilled hand of bullshit brush their cheek when reading these testimonials about corporations, by corporations, plastered everywhere. As well, corporations love to engage in conversation about becoming smarter and more innovative, and yet for anyone unfortunate to upload a corporation’s hive consciousness for 8+ hours a day, this is also known to be a steaming pile of Mickey Mouse bullshit.

    Needless to say, corporations can be hilariously delusional. From Starbucks trying to get caffeine addicts to talk about race issues before they’ve had their fix, to collectively suggesting that the reason the economy is sluggish is because the poor are paid too much money, corporations have a desperate need to ignore reality.

    Corporations are also neurotic. The very science of public relations was created for corporations, who constantly worry about public perception. Increasingly, corporations are checking employees units for any behavior that is embarrassing to the corporation or could be construed as an attack on the corporation. Corporations often display hypochondria as they constantly portray themselves as under attack and in danger of bankruptcy, even as they pull in millions in revenue and are far from insolvency.

    Relying on a corporation for continuous and long-term employment is more risky than liquidating all of your possessions and playing lottery scratchers. Corporations are also barely dependable when it comes to honoring their contracts, and in some cases will even declare bankruptcy to avoid their obligations. To be brief, corporations are flakey people. As pointed out before, but in a more general sense, corporations are insincere liars.

    Few who pay attention to current events need have pointed out to them the number of cases in which a corporation settles out of court, and in the process is freed from having to admit any wrong doing or responsibility. Corporations are shameless, and seem to experience no psychological dissonance between their neurotic need to be liked and this complete lack of shame.

    Some would argue that money is not a proper motivation for the amount of anti-social behavior displayed by many corporations. A corporation will do anything for money, sure, but in many cases the misery corporations are responsible for go into areas perverse as well as inefficient and expensive. It is almost as if corporations like seeing their employees and the communities that host a corporation to suffer, or need it.

    I could go on, but do not wish to labor the point further. In my opinion as a Patæconomist, corporations exhibit a majority of the signs of a person with anti-social behavioral disorder. Or more colloquially, corporations are sociopaths.

    To many this will be no surprise, but in the pursuit of Patæconomics I cannot leave the psychological features of corporations unexamined. We cannot study the corporation once it is dead, for in the harsh sunlight of insolvency nothing remains of a corporation but a few accounting records, useful in studying how a corporation dies, not how it lives, breathes and thinks. The sociopathy of the corporation is “healthy” for a corporation, even though it is unhealthy for the living and the social.

    How a person who is bootstrapped into existence by bringing together a collection of highly intelligent social animals (humans) we’ve already covered. But what we still need to unravel, now that we’ve investigated some of the psychological characteristics of the corporation, is its feeding habits. Clearly the corporation’s psychological “health” is bad for living creatures, but what about its need for sustenance? Corporations run on money and indeed need to constantly consume money to maintain health. A corporation not generating revenue in some fashion will not live long. But to understand the physiology of a corporation’s gastronomy, let us first look to its food, money.

    Money is popularly defined as a medium of exchange, in the form of bank notes or coins. While this will do to the normal and banal economist, Patæconomist needs a different definition, one that is up to the task of exploring the economics of the non-human. What follows then will be the definition of money used by the Patæconomist, “Money is the symbolic form of a portion of a human life, of crystalized time”. I say crystalized time, and not crystalized labor over time, because in today’s world it is becoming increasingly obvious to even the normal economists that human labor is less necessary than ever before, and that Capitalism has seen the rise of useless jobs. In an article by David Graeber, “Why Capitalism Creates Pointless Jobs”, he points out in so many words that a consumer and post-scarcity economy are mutually exclusive, and that as machines take on more labor it is a necessary and accidental development that people are more and more engaged in pointless work. Our time is still necessary to the corporation, even though our work may not be. Hence, money is the crystalized time of our lives, whether or not most of us labor, or goof off, or half-ass through our work day. The corporation needs our time, in its crystal form of money.

    But a corporation does not just feed on the surplus value created by its employees, nor by remunerating in kind what their work is worth. A corporation also consumes people’s time by selling the products of that labor, but not in the way any Marxist would tell you. When you buy a product from a corporation you give it money it needs, yes. But the time energy flow does not stop with the monetary transaction. Every time you use an appliance, wear a pair of shoes or a piece of clothing, every time you drive a vehicle, you use an item with the corporate egregore’s sigil. And like any talisman, the moments, minutes, hours and days of your life spent using or wearing that talisman are the moments, minutes, hours and days of your life spent charging that talisman. You continue to feed that corporation long after you’ve given it the crystalized portion of your time on this earth.

    A corporation that feeds long enough will grow to immense proportions and power. Corporations are the most powerful people on Earth. But not simply because of the money, the time, they consume. Corporations also cannot be killed like normal people. They continue on, immortal, undying. Some corporations are ancient, and evil. Ancient peoples the world over had words for such beings, beings that do not live but also do not die, who continue on through the ages, who consume your very life force (for what is the time of our lives but our vital energy, our life’s blood?), who’s very thoughts and aims are inimical to life: in the Philippines they are called Aswang, from the Sanskrit word for demon, Baka from Vodun, baobhan sith from Scotland, Bhayangkara from Tibet, Nosferatu in Romania, but we know them well enough when we call them vampires!

    Yes, today’s economy is run by the most powerful, and today the most powerful are a new breed of vampire for the 21st century. The legions of the damned slaving away in office cubicles will deny it! But their pale complexion, sunken eyes, and thousand yard stare tell the tale! Our anarchist forebears had it easy! The robber-barons of the past were merely men! Men can be killed simply enough! But these monsters do not die like mortal men, there is no noose or knife or bullet which can strike these people down! What sorcery do we turn to then, what protection can one find from such monsters, who can prowl our very dreams and who have seduced so many with dreams of fame and fortune only to offer slavery and poverty! What wizard with powers to combat these beasts is there?!?!?

    Oh, right. We're all magical here. I guess we all know what to do then. Strike down the images from those talismans! Take back the time of your lives! When you raise that fist, do not do it only to show unity, resolve and revolution, make it also the sign of your abjuration of these foul powers!

I Watched Pantheacon Die

(This article originally published by Gods and Radicals)

I Watched Pantheacon Die


    I walked into the lab my friend works in. “Have you ever heard of Pantheacon?”. She scrunches up her eyebrows and replies, “No, what's that?” “Thank the gods”, I replied, “It's awful, you're better off not knowing.” My friend is a witch that dances her spells, like in the remake of Susperia. I gave her my phone with the itinerary or whatever you call it. She scrunched her nose up, “Forty dollars?”. I smiled, “I know right, that's the first thing...” And then I gave her a truncated version of what you'll read later if you make it to the end of this account.

    Pantheacon. What could I say that hasn't already been said by Rhyd and Alley? A few years ago, when I had seen that Rhyd would be there, I just said to myself, 'It's too bougie there, you're not going to have a good time.' I almost went, but being it was Pantheacon, I decided I'd rather shoot my dick with a pistol than go, and prayed that the Lares look out for him. I had gone once around ten or eleven years ago, and decided I could just skip that whole Bay Area Pagan community. But how could I not go, for at least half a day, to the last Pantheacon? Like showing up to see a tumor go into remission. Miraculous! I'm just as human as anyone else, and so spiteful joy awaited me on a Sunday. The Bay Area Pagan community kind of sucks, and its worst elements collect at Pantheacon like filling up a sack. Nah, that's too dramatic. They are fluff balls though. Fluff balls that wear three wolf moon t-shirts.

    The forty dollars for me was no problem. I work in the California cannabis industry, and needless to say I and my wife have ascended to California poor, wherein you make good money but it all gets chewed up in rent. And we actually have fairly cheap rent for what we get. Anyway, I got there, parked illegally like everyone else apparently, that was fun, and payed my forty to know the story.

    I had gotten there too late to attend the eco-activism talk that I wanted to support because that was the kind of shit these so called Earth children would have been into had they not been full of pillow stuffing. Sadly, it was in the morning and my car needed oil, and I hate going over the 17 with an active service warning, or any problems with a car really. I'm surprised a bus load of Facebook fucks haven't died from the conditions regularly seen on that road. Accidents happen regularly on the 17, you'd figure statistically it would have to happen at least once, but nothing. Eh well.

    So being that I now had nothing but time to kill, I decided to see what all the vendors had to offer. It is kind of like the Portland Saturday Market, except inside, with 1/50th the vendors, and all vaguely witchcraft themed. Here you can buy three wolf moon t-shirts and books about native spirituality written by white people. I don't want to go into it, you've heard it all before I'm sure. And yes, there was some neat stuff too. Of course there was. But that's all it was, neat stuff you can buy.

    So apparently there are these things called hospitality suites in which various groups are just, there, to provide you with what I'd have to figure is information on what their deal is. Honestly, I didn't bother to look. The last thing I wanted was actually to talk to anyone. Not because I thought they were bad people or anything. I'm introverted. If you're an actual introvert, you know that means that socializing doesn't energize you like it does an extrovert, it enervates you. I had hours of being at the Double-tree Inn near the San Jose airport with the faeries. I really needed to conserve my ability to tolerate having people around me without being a total asshole. I actually like this idea of hospitality suites, truly a marketplace of ideas, as long as you have the scroll.

    I had the notion of going to two lectures in the afternoon. The first was a lecture titled “Goddess Thelema”, and since I've always liked the Book of the Law, and always had a soft spot for Thelemites, I thought I'd go check it out. It was either that or listen to Don Lilo Briquette tell a room full of people they don't do magik unless they are good at something that he is also good at. If you want a truly deep spiritual experience do shrooms and then chill in comfort and darkness. If you want to measure dick length do ceremonial magik.

    So the Goddess Thelema turned out to be a short talk on, then guided meditation through, a new set of tantric practices that are, you guessed it, Thelema themed. This of course fits in with the Tantric world view, in which Tantra, as a body of knowledge, is both bestowed by celestial beings and is a body of knowledge that can simply be taken up and used. That's why there is, in modern times, Vaishnava tantra, Saktic tantra, Saivic tantra, Jain, and Buddhist tantra. Wildly different metaphysics and epistemologies, but sharing the same Tantric mindset. Basically using magik to speed ones own spiritual development. Tantra has given us Ayurveda, yoga, and alchemy. So Brandy Williams was of the opinion that Crowley built most of his system on cribbed Tantric knowledge. I don't know enough about it to say whether or not this is correct, honestly. And I was there for goddess stuff and got experimental tantra instead. So an ok time I guess. It did kind of seem like a book commercial, I must admit.

    The second lecture I went to was “'Shamanism' and Cultural Appropriation: Indigenous Perspectives”. When I told my friend I was going to this lecture, she asked, “So like what, white people being told to please not use the word Shaman?” 

    “Yeah probably.”

    “Ugh.” I think that was the point that she became glad she had never heard of Pantheacon. Not sure though, didn't ask.

    So if you've gotten any kind of degree in the social sciences in the past 20 years, you probably, maybe, already know that the word Shaman has been used too much to classify ethnographic material so diverse the word is inadequate at best, certainly incorrect both in and out of its own ethnic context, and mostly, the clumsy classification of an earlier generation of social scientists that doesn't get used much if at all anymore. But also old books from those eras are still in print and the naïve and ignorant just use whatever terminology they pick up from these old, out of date, misguided books. Kind of like when people think Dark Ages is still a term that is used, when in reality it has been replaced by “Late Antiquity” and “Early Medieval”. Anyway, back to what happened.

    The lecture was clearly for folks that don't know this shit, and don't respect anything because they've become consumers of all things, spirituality included. I do have to wonder how long it took them to actually get a space at Pantheacon. Was this the first, last time? Was it a regular rehearsal of heart felt plea, followed by performative virtue signaling that clearly was changing nothing. I don't know because I didn't ask. I only wanted to listen in this talk. I almost spoke once, but Fortuna blessed me with misfortune and I didn't get he chance, thus keeping to my original desire.

    So it started with a ritual cleansing of the space, which I watched while helping to set up chairs in an irregular ellipsoid one often finds in the sloppy rhomboid-esque shaped conference halls of the 20th century. When everyone was seated and the thing started I was the only one that had no one to either side of him, until a late comer sat near me. Until swiftly he left, then it was back to being shown kingly hospitality by the Pantheacon goers once again. The opening ritual was a song. I could say more about it but why bother? Then three native folks, one native to Siberia and two Native to California, tried their best to explain why they would like people to stop using native spiritual techniques out of the context of the cultures they were taken from. A reasonable request, made with heart, to a group as sanctimonious in their assent just as the three wolf moon t-shirts for sale are probably expensive. I didn't check their price though. Maybe I should have, ugh I suck at this journalism bullshit. But to be fair, I was there too, so for half a day I too threw my 40 scrolls in support of three wolf moon t-shirts as a vendor, and so agreed silently that this shit was lame and should stop. There were also three points that these native peoples, sharing their perspectives pointed out. That much of their ritual and practice was based on location and ethnic identity. That consent was needed to practice. You know, the normal amount of respect generally assumed, like, anywhere. Also was related the notion that you can't pick and choose ritual praxis. That something that is shared isn't given. Which I took issue with. Not that sharing isn't giving, but that it was put in a way that suggested that there is no giving of ritual, technique, or knowledge. Trust me, in some parts of the world, being told is definitely being given. If a lama doesn't want you to know something, he won't tell you. But I digress. 

    The presenters put all this praxiomatic miscegenation on the doorstep of colonialism, and in their case, that is the cause of their woe. But the tendency for appropriation of magik praxis goes farther back in European history than colonialism. One could argue that it is a tendency in Indo-European spirituality that goes back deep and continuously manifests, sometimes to no harm, sometimes to great harm. The appropriation of native beliefs for the commodity market is more appropriately the driver of this miserable state of affairs. But the tendency for appropriation of praxis probably won't go away even if the capitalism does. And I'm not sure it should. Some cultures are happy to spread their culture far and wide, some don't like that. We should respect the cultures that don't like that, while also continuing to share knowledge among those of us who both give and take. Fuck sake, if you're going to appropriate  ritual praxis against someone's will, hold up the Catholic church or something like that. Steal ritual from the spiritually rich, and give magik to the spiritually poor. Or not, you could also dumpster dive the annals of history, or just make stuff up. If you've ever read anything else I've written, you'd know I consider this to be an equally effective formation of ritual praxis. The three presenters concluded and then opened for questions. That was the performative virtue signaling part. I waited for as long as I could before my bladder felt like it was going to burst, but I wanted to sit quietly and observe more than I wanted to not be in pain, so I must have been there for like half an hour pulling off a yogic bladder feat to make a siddha weep. Then finally the next group wanted everyone out soon'ish and I took that as my moment to step out, thanking the presenters as I left. As I emptied my bladder in the nearby men's bathroom, I was amazed at how much piss I had in me. So much it seems that I had to go twice, like it collected in my kidneys or something. Yeesh. I need to stop doing that, pretty soon I'm going to be old enough to piss myself doing that. So, I got in my car, navigated my way out of the overfull parking lot, and drove home. Pantheacon is finally dead. I don't know if its death will break up the insularity of this weaksauce witch culture. I'm willing to bet 5 pounds of flax that a new con will emerge in a few years to fill the chthonic yawning hollow howling void Pantheacon will leave behind. It isn't like Pantheacon dying is going to make three wolf moon t-shirts go away. Or books offering native spirituality as a product. Or people more interested in playing authoritarian hierarchical games and dick measuring contests instead of exploring this magikal universe we're all in. Fuck it! Something I hate died, why can't I be truly happy about it? Maybe because despite the insufferability of this community, which I wish to have no contact with, they were at least trying to use their imagination, and do art. Not very hard mind you, and not very well. But they were trying. So bye bye Pantheacon, we'll see you again in Pantheacon II: The Search for More Money.

Patæconomics III: Global Warming, The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy”

(This article originally published by Gods and Radicals) Patæconomics III: Global Warming, The Secular Paganism Everyone can “Enjoy” Patacel...